Don't Get Left Behind! Improve Your Leadership Skills to Succeed in the Digital Health Revolution
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov
It Happened in 2016
In October 2016, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) surveyed members to better understand what leadership in physiotherapy meant to them, and what types of professional development the CPA could offer.
The CPA received robust feedback that allowed them to create a program that revolved around 4 themes:
- Leading a Team: How do you build an engaged team that is able to withstand the tides of change?
- Self-Improvement: How do you identify your learning needs and fill in the gaps in your skillset?
- Innovation: What’s new and emerging? How do you stay one step ahead?
- Practice and Change Management: What steps need to be taken in order to implement changes?
They then created a forum based on these 4 themes. This inaugural Leadership Forum was held in November 2017. And although we are fast approaching 2021 (or are already in 2021 and maybe 2022, in which case hello from the not-so-distant past), the information from this forum is as relevant as ever.
Were you lucky enough to attend this forum? Amazing! Hopefully, we got a chance to meet with you! Missed it? Don't worry! We made it into a course.
We Made It Into a Course!
Whether you attended this amazing forum and can't read some of your notes (it happens), or if you missed the forum, Embodia has you covered with our Leadership Course For Physiotherapists. Follow the snazzy yellow button below to view the full online healthcare course.
Here is a 1-minute video that was posted by the CPA in 2017. In this video, Deri Latimer, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and one of the forum's keynote speakers, explains to us what she brought to this forum (and course) and how it can help you and your physiotherapy business.
Deri Latimer Speaks About What She Brings to the Leadership Forum
We Know You're Busy, So...
In case you don't have time to check out this wonderful online healthcare practitioner course, we’ve picked the top five laws of leadership we learned when we attended the forum. Read about them below!
Laws 1 Through 5 Will Help You Thrive!
Without further ado, here are the top 5 laws from the forum (course):
Law 1: The Law of the Lid
Law 2: The Law of Influence
Law 3: The Law of Navigation
Law 4: The Law of Magnetism
Law 5: The Law of the Legacy
More than just catchy names that sound like titles for the latest superhero movie, these laws mean something in the real world.
Now that you know what they are called, read below to find out about them in a bit more detail. We also have a few relevant videos from the course in there for you to get inspired by!
#1 - The Law of the Lid
The only lid law I knew of growing up was that you should never take the lid off a pressure cooker while it's still cooking. If you're like me, definitely keep reading.
In the Law of the Lid, we consider the lid to be a person's effectiveness.
A person's effectiveness is determined based on two factors: Success dedication AND leadership ability.
Dedication to success is essential, however, it alone is not enough. A leader must improve their leadership ability in order to multiply their success.
Structure for Business Success: Proactive and Reactive Learning
Watch this 5-minute video from coach Andy Belanger, from our online physiotherapy course to get some quick tips on how to improve your leadership abilities by being a proactive leader, instead of a reactive one:
#2 - The Law of Influence
John C. Maxwell, American pastor, author and leadership speaker said:
"The true measure of leadership is influence - nothing more nothing less."
Leadership is more about influencing people in a way that you get the maximum of their potential. The best leaders in the world realize this and bring the best out of other people even if it means others being more powerful than themselves.
Leadership, as per the law is not about the title or position of the leader, it's more about the impact that leaders make on their followers.
In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Maxwell also says:
"When it comes to identifying a real leader… don’t listen to the claims of the person professing to be the leader. Don’t examine his credentials. Don’t check his title. Check his influence. The proof of leadership is found in the followers."
#3 - The Law of Navigation
But Before Law, Some (Relevant) History
Roald Amundsen became the first explorer to reach the South Pole in 1872, beating his rival, Robert Falcon Scott. The story of this rivalry has become the subject of leadership studies and publications (such as this one from the Harvard Business Review).
While Amundsen painstakingly planned his trip, studying the methods of indigenous groups and other experienced Arctic travellers. Scott stuck to his own beliefs. Rather than using dogsleds like the local experts suggested, Scott decided to use motorized sleds and ponies and surely ended in failure.
And while this rivalry and the events that took place are still contended to this day, According to Maxwell, Scott’s expedition to the Pole is a classic example of a leader who could not navigate for his people.
Great Leaders Are Great Navigators (Even if They Are Not Searching for the South Pole)
Leaders who navigate do more than controlling the direction in which they travel. They have a vision for getting to their destination, they understand what it will take to get there, who they’ll need on their team, and recognize the obstacles long before they appear.
Navigators examine the conditions before making commitments.
Good navigators examine not only measurable factors such as finances, resources, and talent but also intangibles such as timing, morale, momentum, and culture.
Navigators listen to what others have to say: No matter how good a leader we may be, we will not have all the answers. That’s why top-notch navigators gather information from many sources and many persons.
#4 - The Law of Magnetism
In most situations, unless you take strong measures to counteract it, you draw people to you who possess the same qualities you do.
Who you are is who you attract.
Similarly, people are attracted to leaders whose values are similar to their own.
The better a leader we are, the better leaders we will attract. And that has an incredible impact on everything we do in our physiotherapy business. If we want to attract better people, we need to become the kind of person we want to attract.
"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
--John Wooden
Being Your Better Self: Character
Watch this 3-minute video from the course from Randy Goodman, one of the premier Sports Physiotherapists in Canada, to see this law in action:
#5 - The Law of Legacy
It is very nicely said that the Law of Legacy is all about what you want people to say at your funeral. That may seem like an odd question, but it may be the most important thing you can ask yourself as a leader.
"A Leader's lasting value is measured by succession."
Companies often go into a tailspin when they lose their CEO, but when Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of Coca-Cola, died, the company didn't even hiccup. Why? Because before his death, Goizutea lived by the Law of Legacy.
Live the Laws
These five laws nurture the leadership qualities of an aspiring individual on the path of self-development. Not everyone is a born leader and not all can lead, but given the opportunity, the best we can do is develop our own selves.
Wrap People In a Nice Warm SCARF
Although I did not place this video above with the 5 Laws, I felt it was such an essential one to close this blog with. Here, Deri Latimer talks about the SCARF method of neuro leadership: Status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, fairness. If you've read this far, make sure to check out this video, it's a great one!
The Game Has Changed
The game has changed. Let’s empower innovation with outlandish thinking.
Let’s connect the dots of genius and help drive the fourth industrial revolution, the digital health revolution.
Perhaps it is time to dig down and not just define, but also embody the heart, mind, and soul of physiotherapy - together.
There are startups, companies, and organizations that are reimagining health and wellness empowered by innovation, technology, and perseverance of the bold future of healthcare. They are moving fast – and if, as a profession, we wish to be a part of it, then we must not only come together to discuss the opportunities and realities that surround us but also act on it.
Let’s be connected and defiant, bold and closely connect ourselves to imaginative, innovative thinkers - and be risk-takers ourselves.

Business Coach
Andy has coached for more than 30 years mentoring, guiding, teaching and developing systems, tools, and techniques to help health care entrepreneurs reach their goals.
Earlier in his career, Andre felt dissatisfied with the quality and direction of business teaching.
What was missing were fundamental and critical basics necessary for short and long term success.
He will show you exactly what to focus on so that you can really succeed as a business owner and a clinician.
Since the death of this father in 1987, using the principles and philosophy of proactive and active care, he created the foundation for a new and exciting approach for clinic owners and teams in optimizing efficiency and positive client experience.
He believes that by solidifying the foundation of a practice/clinic, Teams will be free to maximize their skill, knowledge, and goals, - A successful practice means a healthy economy.

CSP, Positivity Speaking
Deri is an expert in positive possibilities for people! She is one of fewer than 12% of speakers globally who hold the designation of CSP (Certified Speaking Professional), a TEDx Speaker, Trainer and Organizational Consultant, Deri works with organizations who want to create happy, healthy, humane workplaces for increased positivity, productivity, and prosperity!
She has been a popular instructor in the University of Winnipeg’s Management Studies Program for over 15 years, designing full-credit courses and seminars in Resilience, Positive Psychology, Team Building, and Leadership Development. Deri’s client resources, including two books ‘Wake Up To Your Habits’ and ‘What’s Your Story? You Decide’, and an APP called ‘Mood Manager’, provide a rich resource of strategies and tools to shift your emotions, adjust your thinking, and positively impact your results.

B.Sc.PT., Dip. Sports P.T.
Randy is one of the premier Sport Physiotherapists in Canada. He has provided care and advice for some of the best athletes in the world in the field of injury recovery, return to sport and athlete development.
As well, he has coordinated care and development for multiple national teams including the Canadian Figure Skating and Freestyle Ski team, and consults with other national teams on the design of their integrated support for athletes. He has worked at the national/international level with hockey, basketball, soccer, volleyball, skiing, snowboard, figure skating, football, golf, athletics, triathlon, tennis, cross country skiing, wakeboard, swimming and diving, gymnastics, baseball, and Paralympic sports.