Learn What Patients Really Want & Land Your Dream Physio Job
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov, HBSc, MSc
By: Nataliya Zlotnikov, HBSc, MSc
Mentorship for Success
Today's blog is based on Darryl Yardley's All-Star Clinician Series.
In this 4-part series that has been combined into 1 course, Darryl, physiotherapist and mentor, strives to help young clinicians, recent grads, students in their last year of a physiotherapy degree program and internationally educated PTs who are new to practice in Canada, become more successful, confident and fulfilled in their practice.
Don't Let It Be You!
Far too often, young clinicians find themselves in poor job situations, unsure how to negotiate a contract, not making the money they expected and stagnant in their career (to name a few).
This blog and course it was based on will help you have the rewarding career you dreamed of while giving you the know-how to keep your caseload full and double your patient success stories.
I found the course to be quite eye-opening and I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did.
What Would You Do?
Here is a 1-minute snippet from Darryl Yardley's All-Star Clinician Series.
Take a look at this video and ask yourself what would you do if you were presented with such an offer.
Would you take it?
What questions would you ask?
Some questions that webinar attendees asked included requesting a job description, asking about expectations and caseload, as well as wondering if there is a catch.
I'm confident that you asked some of these questions as well and perhaps came up with a few more good ones.
How Bold Are You?
But would you be willing to ask these bold questions in a job interview?
Many new grads, and even seasoned physios and other job applicants outside of the healthcare field will shy away from asking such questions and will only find out these important answers when they are already knee-deep in the situation.
What Colour Is That Grass Over There?
See that grass over there? What colour is it? Is it green and lush? Are you sure about that? How can you be so sure?
Let's say you are already employed at a practice and this same 70% fee split comes up. What would you do?
What if the grass seems greener elsewhere. Is it really greener?
You don't want to just jump in, you gave to get some of the important questions answered first.
The only way you know if the grass is greener somewhere else is if you know what you want - what is important to you!
It is money? Freedom? Work environment?
Get to know yourself before eyeing other pastures.
If you would like to check out the full course with Darryl Yardley, follow the yellow button below:
Click Here for the Full Course
The Course Includes:
- Session 1: Find Your Job Dream Job and Don’t Be Fooled
- Session 2: The Game-Changing Mentorship Relationship
- Session 3: Practice Re-Calibration: What Consumers Actually Want- Not What You Think They Want
- Session 4: Knowing Your Worth (Stop Guessing)
Interviews: Loathe or Love?
I hate interviews! Admission interviews, work interviews, Zoom interviews, hate them.
Perhaps you don't harbour as much disdain for them as I do, but, whether you loathe them, love them or are simply apathetic about the matter, this section from the course is a marvellous morsel of information to keep in mind for the next time you find yourself in an interview situation.
How to Crush a Job Interview
Below are 7 tips from Darryl's course on how to crush job interviews:
Bookmark this, print it, put it on your fridge. It's really good stuff!
What Do Patients Actually Want
Now that you got the perfect job or a great one at least, how do you know what your patients really want?
Not what school taught us they want, but what they truly want.
Data from Hush (2011), Stenner (2018) and Holopainen (2018) indicate that our patients want:
- Empathy
- More effective communication
- To be listened to
- Reassurance
- Collaboration
- Validation and understanding
- To be asked their expectations
- To be involved in their own care
- Good resources
- Clear agenda
- Flexible plan
- Autonomy
- Therapeutic alliance
Of course, you will get some patients looking for a quick fix and magic pill, however, they are the minority, not the majority or norm.
Even in such cases, oftentimes, the patients looking for the quick fix are those who have fallen through the healthcare cracks so many times that they are just desperate for an answer.
The Proof Is In the Pudding
Data from Hush (2011) indicate that the treatment outcome actually did not affect patient satisfaction. That's right! Treatment outcome did not affect patient satisfaction! Mind-boggling.
The overall value was based on the strength of the connection and empathy.
When we look at the data and what patients want from us, it actually moves us from provider-centred to patient-centred care.
Learn More Tips & Tools for Success
With Darryl Yardley
Learn More With Darryl
If you have already taken this course, or would simply like to take a gander at some of Darryl's other online healthcare courses on Embodia, click here.
More Business
And if you would like to read more about physiotherapy business, we invite you to take a look at some of our other related blogs:
- Is Your Social Media Strategy Generating Return on Investment? Learn How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Practice or Brand
- Business Education: 7 Tips to Make Your Healthcare Business Succeed During COVID
- The 5 Lessons I’ve Learned Building, Managing and Growing a PT Tech Startup
May your business and career flourish
Date written: 17 July 2021
Last update: 21 July 2021

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc.(Manip), FCAMPT
Darryl has been a physical therapist for more than a decade. He is a clinic owner and the Chief Operating Officer for Clinic Accelerator where he supports 500+ clinic owners with their operations, recruitment and clinician performance. He has mentored and helped thousands of Physical Therapists become all-star clinicians, clinic directors, and equity partners. He is past chair of the Private Practice Section of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, co-author of "Diagnosis and Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement", and is a professor of Business and Leadership in Physical Therapy at Western University.