Managing my practitioner account
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Customizing your dashboard
Please note that this feature is only available for Tier 2 and Tier 3 memberships.
When you sign in to your Embodia account, you will first be redirected to your dashboard. You can customize which information is displayed on your dashboard to match your preferences.
To do so, from the dashboard, click on the Customize my dashboard button.
In the dashboard customization page, the area on the left lists the items currently on your dashboard, and the area on the right lists the remaining available items that can be added to your dashboard.
How to customize the dashboard
- Add an available item to your dashboard: Click on the add icon (arrow #1 in the image above).
- Remove an item from your dashboard: Click the remove icon (arrow #2 in the image above).
- Change the order of the items on your current dashboard: Click and hold the re-order icon (arrow #3 in the image above), then drag the item to the desired position.
The following items are available to be added to the dashboard
- My upcoming consults for today: This item will list your next 5 upcoming consults scheduled for today.
- Programs expiring soon: This item will list the exercise programs that will expire in the next 72 hours.
- Recently completed questionnaires: This item will list questionnaires that were recently completed by your patients.
- Charts due today: This item will list chart entries that have today as their due date. This item is only available for Tier 3 membership and uses the due dates for chart entries.
- Patients with upcoming birthdays: This item will list your patients' upcoming birthdays (in the next 7 days). This item is only available for Tier 3 membership and uses the patient property of type "Birth date".
- Recent due dates: This item will list your patients' recent due dates. This item is only available for Tier 3 membership and uses the patient property of type "Due date".
- My courses: This item will list your courses with recent activities.
- My upcoming webinars: This item will list the upcoming webinars.
If you would like to recommend additional items for your dashboard, please reach out to us at