Clinical Taping Skills with Dance Specific Adaptations for Clinicians

Clinical Taping Skills with Dance Specific Adaptations for Clinicians
This course includes
The instructors
Enhance your clinical practice with sports taping techniques!
To date, taping skills courses have focused on traditional sports taping to assist in returning athletes to activity as they heal from injury. This course will teach you the traditional taping techniques, as well as how to modify these techniques to best support the dancer’s/athlete's return to activity while respecting their mobility requirements.
This course has been designed to give participants a full introduction to taping so that each taping product and the rationale for application is understood. Participants will learn the tools of the trade, the different tape supplies, the risks and benefits, as well as best practices for safe application and removal.
This course is applicable content for those clinicians challenging sport physiotherapy and athletic therapy exams.
Taping techniques will be taught as per normal sport protocol, participants will then learn to adapt these applications to make them specific to the needs of dancers.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, you will learn:
- The procedures and principles of taping.
- The traditional sport taping methods and how to adapt these techniques for dancers and artistic athletes.
- How to select the most appropriate taping products and techniques to accomplish your clinical goals.
- How to tape like a pro and feel confident backstage, on-field, and in the clinic with your skills.
The following taping will be taught:
- Ankle return to sport/dance, inversion vs eversion ankle sprain
- Acute ankle compression
- Tibialis posterior support
- Plantar fascia support – low die arch support (standard and adaptation for dance)
- Turf toe – flexor hallucis longus support
- Toe buddy taping
- Achilles tendon return to dance (standard and light support)
- Shin splints
- Superior tib fib joint support
- Patella femoral pain support and lateral patellar subluxation support
- Patellar tendonosis strap
- Knee hyperextension control (standard and light)
- Hip spica
- Psoas support
- Lumbar spine support
The following supplies will be required:
- Utility scissors
- Tape sharks
- Tuff-skin or prewrap spray
- Skin lube
- Heel and lace pads x 20 squares
- 1.5 inch athletic tape x 8 rolls
- Leukotape x 1 roll
- Kinesio/K tape x 1 roll
- Prewrap x 2 rolls
- 3 inch tensor x 1
- Double length 6 “ tensor x 1
- 3” Tensoplast tape x 4
- 2’ Tensoplast tape x 4
- 3” lightplast cover tape x 4
This online course is for:
- Clinicians wishing to use taping skills in their clinical practice.
- Clinicians working with athletes, specifically artistic athletes and dancers.
- Clinicians working towards sport certification exams.
- Clinicians who want to review their taping skills and have a video resource to refer to.
As a bonus, when registering for this course you will be offered the option to get Dinah's course An Intro to Clinical Taping Skills with Dance Specific Adaptations for free!
The instructors

FOUNDER Pivot Dancer
Registered Physiotherapist
Dip. Manual & Manipulative Physiotherapy, Dip. Sport Physiotherapy, Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT) Certification Jr to Advanced levels, Certified pelvic physiotherapy, 4Pointe Level 1 instructor
Dinah Hampson is a registered physiotherapist with 30 yr experience working in high performance orthopaedic practice. In addition to daily clinical practice, Dinah remains on faculty at the University of Toronto, is an examiner for the Canadian Sport Physiotherapy division, a regular speaker at International Association of Dance Medicine Science and Performing Arts Medicine meetings, and is one of 6 physiotherapists in the world currently qualified to instruct 4Pointe syllabus. Dinah was classically trained in ballet and is adept in working with all sports. Dinah has been an active member of the Canadian Medical teams for many multisport games including; Olympic, Paralympic, Pan America, World University, Youth Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Dinah is the founder of Pivot Sport Medicine in Toronto, Ontario where she continues a busy clinical practice, and Pivot Dancer where virtual delivery of care is her focus.

Material included in this course
Course materials
Taping techniques
Traditional ankle taping for eversion and inversion ligamentous support
Subacute ankle sprain taping adapted for dance
Inversion ankle sprain leukotape adaptation
Acute Ankle Sprain
Tibialis posterior support
Low-dye arch support
Low-Dye arch support adaptation for dance
Turf toe dance adaptation
Buddy taping
Sub acute achillies for return to dance
Achilles light support
Shin splint taping
Superior fib-fib joint taping
Patellar support
Patellar tendon strap
Knee hyperextension control
ACL taping
Medial Collateral Ligament support
Hip Spica
Light hip flexor support
lumbar support - light
Helpful resources
Just for fun
Hip Spica plus Blooper
ACL plus "unwind"
Bonus practice
Superior fib-fib jt proprioception
Lumbar support
Jumpers knee
Low die arch support
Dance adaptation for ankle taping
Acute ankle sprain
Taking the tape off
How do I feel?
If I have never taken a taping course will I know enough to start?
Yes - this course includes a thoughough review of the principles, procedures and all of the supplies you will need to be an expert taper.
I don't really work with dancers but I think taping would be valuable to me. Would I benefit from this course material?
Yes - I use this course material in my clinical practice with non dancers all the time. I will show you how to apply the principles of taping so that you can adjust a standard taping for the many different activity specific applications you might be faced with.
Will I be able to learn taping skills effectively with video?
Yes - the course instructor is a Sport Physio Canada examiner and a Registered International Sport Physiotherapist who has experience both backstage at the Olympic Games and backstage at the studio. The instruction is clear and you will have the videos to refer to, pause, and continue as you practice your new skills.
Is a certificate of completion included with this course?
Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.