The Hip Complex - Breaking Down Barriers to Better Outcomes

The Hip Complex - Breaking Down Barriers to Better Outcomes
This course includes
The instructors
The intention of this course is to learn about assessing and treating the hip complex while integrating a biopsychosocial approach to treating patients.
This course will teach you both clinical skills and business skills, in order to optimize outcomes, as well as patient engagement and satisfaction. This course combines anatomy, pathology, assessment, and treatment of the hip, with the development of power skills to improve communication with patients. The goal is to improve patient engagement and retention.
Learn how good clinical skills and good communication and social interaction go hand in hand when it comes to the patient experience. Gain an understanding of how assessing the person behind the pathology is important to your business. Learn what it is patients are looking for in a therapist!
Learning Objectives
- Learn about the importance of the patient experience
- Learn how to perform effective Subjective and Objective Assessments
- Review the Anatomy of the Hip
- Review pathologies affecting the hip, including Hip Osteoarthritis, Femoroacetabular Impingement, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Radiculopathy, and Nerve Entrapment
- Learn about the Assessment and Treatment of Hip Pathologies
- Gain an understanding of how to turn clinical skills and people skills into profit
This course is for rehabilitation professionals, including physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, athletic therapists, exercise therapists, and kinesiologists, among others.
This course is for anyone interested in learning how to grow their practice by focusing on the patient experience.
What Is Included?
This course includes:
More than 6 hours of video lessons
82 Patient Exercises and 2 Exercise Program Templates that you can easily share with your patients on Embodia. When you sign up for this course, you will get a one month complimentary trial with the Embodia Home Exercise Prescription (HEP) software (for new registrants only)
Bite-sized information: All of the content is broken down into bite-sized chunks, so that you can easily watch a video on your break, over lunch, or for a few minutes at night. There is no start date or completion date, you can complete this course at your own pace
Quizzes throughout to help you integrate the knowledge
Certificate of Completion: Once you have completed the course, you will receive a certificate for your professional portfolio
Lifetime access after purchase
You will be sent a receipt as soon as you purchase this course. This receipt can be used for education grants and for tax purposes
The instructors

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc.(Manip), FCAMPT
Darryl has been a physical therapist for more than a decade. He is a clinic owner and the Chief Operating Officer for Clinic Accelerator where he supports 500+ clinic owners with their operations, recruitment and clinician performance. He has mentored and helped thousands of Physical Therapists become all-star clinicians, clinic directors, and equity partners. He is past chair of the Private Practice Section of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, co-author of "Diagnosis and Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement", and is a professor of Business and Leadership in Physical Therapy at Western University.

A native of London Ontario Jim has been a practicing physiotherapist for 32 years. Jim attended Western where he completed a BSc (PT) in 1991 and a MClSc (PT) in 2010. Jim also completed a clinical DPT in the USA in 2013. Jim has been a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists (FCAMPT) since 2000. Jim is an instructor in the Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Master’s Program at Western University since its onset. He teaches the Mulligan Concept musculoskeletal manual therapy courses across Canada. Jim was an owner of Body Mechanics Physiotherapy in London for nearly two decades. Jim is now the National Director of Clinical Training and Development for CBI Health.
Jim is a strong advocate of all things biopsychosocial and mind, body, spirit. He is passionate about how we communicate with our patients and has been involved in the knowledge translation and teaching of these crucial foundational skills for the past decade. Jim feels our ability to connect with our patients is our most important asset as clinicians. These so-called soft skills are the true power skills in the delivery of compassionate care. Jim believes that as clinicians we must possess the knowledge and skills to facilitate behaviour change. Understanding the role of intrinsic motivation in adherence to physiotherapy must be viewed as a clinical competency.
Jim believes that personal development is professional development. Jim is a proponent of an infinite growth mindset. The importance of self-compassion, and resilience to our own personal wellness is often neglected. We cannot give away what we don’t already have. Jim coaches and mentors clinicians to assist them on their own growth and resilience journeys. Jim is passionate about the power of words as they intersect with the vulnerability of creative expression. He released his first book Cuoreosity: The heArt of Being, a poetic invitation to live into the questions of life in 2022.

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc., FCAMPT
Erik is an experienced and dynamic physiotherapist who has attained advanced training in manual therapy and the McKenzie MDT system.
He worked primarily with national-level athletes and closely with the local orthopedic surgeons. He is also a faculty member of NOSM (The Northern Ontario School of Medicine) where he lectures and hosts in-clinic orthopaedic mentorship for R1 and R2 physicians residents.
He now assists as an instructor to the program while concurrently qualifying to become a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manual Therapists, an internationally recognized, highest possible Canadian designation.
Material included in this course
Patient Experience
Downloadable Slides
What are the Patient Exercises for?
Recognizing Types of People
The Neuromatrix
What Patients Want
Quiz - Patient Experience
Osseous Structures
Ligamentous Structures
Quiz - Anatomy
Subjective Assessment
Nine Steps of the Subjective Exam
Listening is Therapy
What Clients and Therapists Want to Know
Quiz - Subjective Assessment
Objective Assessment
Examination part 1
Examination part 2
Objective Exam part 1
Objective Exam Part 2
Quiz - Objective Assessment
Hip Osteoarthritis
Baby Boomers
Who Can We Help?
What Does and Doesn't Work
Quiz - Hip Osteoarthritis
Is Surgery the Answer?
What is FAI
Is FAI new?
Quiz - FAI
Pathologies Introduction
Tendonitis and Bursitis
Causes of Hip Tendinopathy
Radiculopathy and Nerve Entrapment
Differentiation Between Radiculopathy and Nerve Entrapment
Quiz - Pathologies
Assessment and Treatment
Hip OA Assessment Part 1
Hip OA Assessment Part 2
Hip OA Assessment Part 3
Hip Traction
Hip Mobilizations
Quadruped Flexion
Exam Demonstration - Labral Tear
Testing for Gluteal Tendinopathy
Unloading and Strengthening the Hip
Dynamically Loading the Hip
Nerve Provocation, Tension and Flossing
Quiz - Assessment and Treatment
Turning Clinical Skills Into Profit
The Patient's Perspective
Clinical Skills to Profit
The Patient's Journey
Client Lifecycle - Communication
Client Lifecycle - Treatment Plan
Quiz - Turning Clinical Skills Into Profit
Concluding the Patient Experience
Neuromuscular Retraining and Positioning
Alternative Treatment Options
Pelvic Floor and Interprofessional Collaboration
Closing your Assessment
Between Assessment and First Treatment
Net Promoter Score
Closing Statement
Quiz - Concluding the Patient Experience
Patient exercises included in this course
Hip ER: FABER Position (Supine)
Lunge with T-spine Rotation
Lunge with In and Out Reach
Lunge with Overhead Side Reach
Lunge with Overhead Reach
Lunge and Twist
Combined Lunge Exercises
Side Lunge and Mini Hop
Lateral Quick Skips
Sagittal Quick Skips
Close the Gate
Open the Gate
Knees to Chest in Standing
Dynamic Hip Warm-Up
3-Way Hip Opener
Lateral Jumps: Progression 3
Lateral Jumps: Progression 2
Lateral Jumps: Progression 1
Controlled Lowering Single Leg Squat
Advanced Single Leg Control
Single Leg Stance with Glute Activation with a Band
Goblet Squat Warm Up
Goblet Squat
Monster Walks Anti-Rotations
Hip Flexor Hovering
Advanced ROM and Hip Control
Hip Hinge Eccentric Lowering
Deep Hip Internal Rotators Strengthening with Band: Sitting
Psoas / Hip Flexor Release
Monster Walks with Resistance Band
Bird-Dog with Alternate Limb Lift
Upper Extremity Rolling Pattern
Upright Stationary Bike (Continued)
Stationary Bike (Upright Frame)
Glute Strengthening Series 1 (Mule Kick)
Eccentric Hip Flexors
Deep Hip Rotators in Side Lying: Internal Rotation
Single Leg Bridge with Perturbation
Glute Strengthening Series 3 (Banded Bridge with Stability Ball)
Glute Strengthening Series 2 (Fire Hydrant)
Hip Flexors with Core
Deep Hip Rotators in Side Lying: External Rotation
Back of Hip (Posterior Capsule) Stretch
Hamstring Mobility
Deep Hip External Rotators Strengthening with Band: 4 Point Kneeling
Deep Hip Internal Rotators Strengthening with Band: 4 Point Kneeling
Half Kneel and Core Series
Hip ER Combined Hip Opening Exercise
Lower Extremity Rolling Pattern
Adductor Stretch in Kneeling
Hip Adductor Stretch in Sitting
Hip Flexor Stretch with Overhead Activation
Hip Flexor Stretch with Thoracic Rotation
Hip Hinge (Standing)
Hip Hinge (upright double kneeling position)
Isometric Deep Hip Rotators
Anterior (front of hip) Capsule Stretch
AAROM: Heel to Bum
Single Leg Deadlift With Free Weight
Deep Hip Rotators in 4-point-kneeling: Internal Rotation (Twisting Foot Outwards)
Deep Hip Rotators in 4-point-kneeling: External Rotation (Twisting Foot Inwards)
Lateral Alternate Twist Jacks
Single Leg Stance with Rotational Control
Forward Lunge (In-Line Lunge)
Sahrmann Squat
Single Leg Deadlift
Side Planks
Assisted Hip Flexion
Star Excursion Balance
Dead Bug with Resistance Band
Seated Lean Back
Hip Flexor Stretch
Quadruped Rocking
Heel to Bum
Tummy Time with Glute Setting (with posterior sling)
Tummy Time with Glute Setting (with progressions)
End Range Knee Extension or Quad Setting
Double Leg Bridges
Hip Abduction in Side-Lying
Templates included in this course
Maximum Protection: Weeks 1- up to 3
Mobility and Neuromuscular Retraining: Weeks 3 - up to 6
This course has exercises. Can I prescribe them to my patients?
Yes, exercises included in courses or resource packages on Embodia can be prescribed directly through the Embodia platform. A Tier 2 or 3 Membership is required to prescribe exercises. These memberships include a range of other features. You can learn about home exercise programs (HEP) on Embodia here, and about memberships on Embodia here.