Bringing the 'Self' Into Physiotherapy Practice - We Can't Talk Therapeutic Alliance Without Knowing Ourselves

Bringing the 'Self' Into Physiotherapy Practice - We Can't Talk Therapeutic Alliance Without Knowing Ourselves
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It may be convenient for us to think that physiotherapy is about the patient, and not us, but that is naïve. We are impacted by all our relationships; personal and professional. We impact our patients and they impact us.
That doesn’t mean we’re not boundaries or unprofessional; it means we’re human physiotherapists, not robot physiotherapists. All our patient relationships are filtered through who we are, what we think, how we’re biased, how we feel emotionally, how we feel physically, how we react to that particular personality type and our feeling of comfort and confidence with the topic at hand; essentially, the physiotherapist’s experience of the interaction, from an emotional, somatic, and cognitive perspective.
When we don’t consider ourselves in relation to our patient, we have no idea how much our unconscious is ruling the show, and sometimes the problems it can cause. How this can show up in practice is through struggle with particular personality types of patients, struggle setting boundaries with patients getting too dependent, or struggle with intimacy and bonding. I love Dr. Dan Siegels' phrase, “Name it to tame it.”
If we can acknowledge ourselves as central to our approach with patients, we can bring these components into a conscious realm and make them a proactive part of the process. Bringing ourselves central to our approach doesn’t give it any more power or relevance; it’s already hugely impacting outcome; it just makes it active rather than passive. Physiotherapy, as a culture, is fairly cerebral and action-oriented.
We tend to operate from a doing mode, rather than a being mode. When we practice in this way, we objectify ourselves and our patients, even if we are applying motivational interviewing or a biopsychosocial approach. If we can learn to be self-aware and connected to ourselves at the same time as connecting to our patients, we bring much more insight into the therapeutic alliance.
We are mindful, present, open, and humble. We can acknowledge our authority without retaining all the power. We can feel and empathize without generating dependency. We can be action- and results-oriented without losing a close connection.
This makes for a better relationship, better patient outcomes, and improved experiences and growth for the physiotherapist too.
This session was recorded at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) Congress 2021.
Anniken Chadwick graduated in 2007 with a BSc HONS in Physiotherapy (UK) and became a private practice pelvic health practitioner in BC. She is the owner of The Cheerful Pelvis, a pelvic health clinic in Vancouver, BC, and is passionate about decolonizing the working environment, both for her clinic staff and clients. Additionally, Anniken is an Allied Professional in Integrative Body Psychotherapy and is currently getting her master's - “Contemplative Inquiry in Educational Approaches” at Simon Fraser University, graduating in 2021. Her passion is in the critical analysis of the cultural and educational norms in physiotherapy, with the physical, mental, and spiritual health of physiotherapists (and patients) in mind.
This session was recorded at the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) Congress 2021
Access to this recording will be FREE for anyone who has registered for CPA Congress 2021, Day 4.
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The instructors

Material included in this course
Bringing the 'Self' Into Physiotherapy Practice - We Can't Talk Therapeutic Alliance Without Knowing Ourselves
Bringing the 'Self' Into Physiotherapy Practice - We Can't Talk Therapeutic Alliance Without Knowing Ourselves