Developing a Global Health Mindset - Competencies for Rehab Professionals

Developing a Global Health Mindset - Competencies for Rehab Professionals
This course includes
Course Overview
This course is intended for clinicians and students preparing for global health work or work with peoples that have experienced oppression in the Canadian context or abroad with a focus on the field of physiotherapy. This online learning module encompasses introductory Global Health concepts, as well as Global Health Core Competencies identified in research which this course aims to develop.
This course is self-paced containing pre-recorded lectures and resources.
Learning Objectives
Upon the completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Explain the meaning of global health and global citizenry.
- Implement global citizenry.
- Summarize disability and compare several frameworks that address disability
- Classify several global organizations and explain current global initiatives.
- Interpret post-colonial theory through the lens of Canadian history and affected minorities.
- Explain medical tourism and the potential harms of foreign aid.
- Differentiate ethical foreign involvement through introspective reflection.
- Explain power and privilege and execute self-reflective practices to unravel biases and develop an interpretation of one’s motivations for international involvement.
- Explain cultural competency and be able to use self-reflective tools to assess skills.
- Implement knowledge gained through the course to develop global health competencies.
Everyone registered for this course is eligible for one year of free mentorship with an experienced physiotherapist, please email details!
The instructors

The Global Health Division (GHD) is comprised of a passionate group of physical therapists who have worked in or are interested in working in resource-poor settings globally. We advocate for sustainable collaboration that elevates the profession of physiotherapy worldwide.
Our Vision is to become a strong advocate group for the role of physiotherapists in the area of global health. The GHD strives to become a reliable and valuable resource for its members, through providing access to research, policies, experiences of other members, and opportunities.The GHD aims to foster an understanding of how socioeconomic determinants of health underpin health inequities and how global work comprises responsible strategies to achieve health equity. The GHD strives to support its members to get involved in ethical, collaborative, sustainable and effective global health work. The GHD endeavours to promote the wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples through advocating for changes within the physiotherapy profession in the spirit of reconciliation.
The mission of the Global Health Division (GHD) is to advocate for the unique role that physiotherapists have in global health and to encourage Canadian physiotherapists to engage in ethical global health work.

Material included in this course
Global Health Learner
What is Global Health?
What is Global Health Quiz
Disability Part A
Disability Part B
Disability Quiz
Reconciliation in Rehabilitation Pt1 - Background
Reconciliation in Rehabilitation Pt2 - Perspectives
Reconciliation in Rehabilitation Quiz
Critical Thinker
Short Term Experiences in Global Health
Privilege and Oppression
Respectful Guest
Cultural Safety - Introduction
Cultural Safety - Journey
Cultural Safety - Reflection
Culture Shock - The Basics
Culture Shock - Strategies
Culture Shock - The Cultural Iceberg
Culture Shock - Reverse Culture Shock
End of Course Survey