Safety Considerations with UBC Gunn Intramuscular Needling

Safety Considerations with UBC Gunn Intramuscular Needling
This course includes
The instructors
With the steady increase of physiotherapists utilizing dry needling and/or acupuncture in clinical practice, it is imperative that the safety of the patient be of the utmost priority.
This online course will discuss major and minor complications that occur because of a monofilament needle insertion, steps that are to be taken to avoid them from occurring, as well as actions that should be followed if they do occur.
The online course will also discuss contraindications, precautions, regions where special caution are needed, and professional responsibilities related to the insertion of monofilament needles. The content is congruent with UBC Gunn IMS certification training that is based on over 25 years of evolution and continual review of safety procedures.
Join the Acupuncture Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) for this on-demand course 'Safety Considerations with UBC Gunn Intramuscular Needling'.
The Presenter: Susan Massitti
Susan Massitti is a physiotherapist located in Canmore and Calgary, Alberta. She works for Evidence Sport and Spinal, is a Consultant for the Canadian Sport Institute Calgary, and maintains a home practice.
Susan obtained her Bachelor of Science of Physical Therapy and Bachelor of Kiniesiology at the University of Alberta and completed her Masters of Manipulative Physiotherapy at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia.
A Sport Physiotherapy Canada Diploma holder since 1996 Susan has put them to good use in many sport environments. A few highlights include:
1998 Nagano where she competed in Long Track speedskating.
As well as attending 1994 Commonwealth Games;1996, 2000, 2008 Summer Olympics, 2006 Winter Olympics, 2012 Youth Olympics, 2015 PanAm Games, 2011 Youth Commonweath Games and 2001 University Games.
She reports her most challenging case was at the 2008 Olympics when a medal contender broke his ankle 2 days prior to qualifying.
Susan is a student of movement, active for life, and enjoys biking (road, mountain, uni), skiing, pilates, yoga, and hiking.
The instructors

Material included in this course
Full Presentation
Case History 1
Case History 2
Case History 3
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