Best Practice for Neck & Head Pain - Vascular Pathologies of the Neck

Best Practice for Neck & Head Pain - Vascular Pathologies of the Neck
This course includes
This online course will review best practice frameworks for the identification of risk factors for serious neurovascular events for people with head and neck pain.
The course focuses on evidence-based clinical reasoning and the best use of manual therapy in this population. Specifically, this course examines current literature regarding stroke risks following manual therapy techniques (HVT) and other commonly reported movements, and contextualizing this information for day-to-day practice.
This course also covers history taking, physical examination, and the risks/benefits of techniques designed for head and neck pain. Physical examination discusses VBI (vertebrobasilar insufficiency) testing, as well as other tools and tests that clinicians can implement into their practice when treating individuals with neck and head pain.
This course is presented by Roger Kerry and brought to you by the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.
Learning Objectives
In this online course, you will:
- To be aware of the latest guidance on vascular risk assessment for people with head and neck pain (IFOMPT Framework 2021)
- To be confident in identifying people who may need urgent referral
- To be confident in understanding the best practice of manual therapy for people with head and neck pain
This course is designed for physiotherapists and other rehabilitation professionals to gain expert insight into the assessment, exercise prescription, and manual therapy techniques for the neck and head. It is meant to inform clinicians with an evidence-based framework to consider during their clinical reasoning when interacting with this patient population.
Join Roger Kerry and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association for this online course “Best Practice for Head and Neck Pain - Vascular Pathologies of the Neck”.
Presenter’s Biography: Roger Kerry
Roger Kerry is a Professor of Physiotherapy at the University of Nottingham, UK. He is a qualified Chartered Physiotherapist and an honorary Fellow of the UK’s Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.
His main clinical research interests have been in adverse events and physiotherapy interventions of the head and neck, particularly on the causal nature of the interventions. Roger also undertakes research activity in the Philosophy of Science, investigating the nature of causation in the health sciences, and this was the focus of his PhD. He is well-published in these areas and has been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences.
He has received two prestigious Lord Dearing Awards for teaching excellence and was recognized as Higher Education Social Media Superstar by UK digital education organization JISC.
The instructors

The Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association helps our members improve their skills and service delivery through education, resources and networking.
With a reputation built on excellent instructors and a rigorous examination process, the Division offers tailored online e-learning, webinars, workshops, courses and practice resources for members at a reasonable cost and time commitment. Members learn from other practicing physiotherapists and stay current with a regularly updated curriculum and program delivery based on providing quality and modern treatment.
Material included in this course
Best & Safest Practice for Neck and Head Pain - Vascular Pathologies of the Neck
Pathophysiology / Epidemiology
History Taking
Physical Examination
Risk: Benefit
Course Quiz
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