Understanding Long COVID & Episodic Disability to Inform Rehab Approaches

Understanding Long COVID & Episodic Disability to Inform Rehab Approaches
This course includes
A growing number of individuals are living with persistent and prolonged signs and symptoms following infection consistent with COVID-19, referred to as Long COVID, post COVID-19 condition, or postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV2.
Individuals living with Long COVID are experiencing a range of symptoms and impairments that impact their ability to carry out day-to-day activities or engage in social and community life roles. With increasing disability, there is a role for rehabilitation, including physiotherapy. However, the long-term trajectory of Long COVID remains unknown. Therefore, there is a need to conceptualize disability in Long COVID to inform effective healthcare and rehabilitation approaches and interventions to enhance clinical practice, policy, and research.
We would like to make this course accessible to all community members living with Long COVID. If you are a person living with Long COVID and you have a financial barrier to attending this webinar at the stated fee, you can contact alison.reid@live.ca for more information.
Join the Cardiorespiratory Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association for this online course 'Understanding Long COVID and Episodic Disability to Inform Rehabilitation Approaches.'
Kiera McDuff, MScPT, BSc (Hons.) Kin
- Research Coordinator, Episodic Disability and Rehabilitation Research Lab
- Program Coordinator, Rehabilitation Science Research Network for COVID
- Department of Physical Therapy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Nisa Malli, MA
- Patient-Led Research Collaborative
- Rehabilitation Science Research Network for COVID
The instructors

The Cardiorespiratory Division (CRD) unites physiotherapists with a special interest in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. We provide a valuable forum for our members to share information relevant to working with clients across the lifespan and in all areas of cardiorespiratory.
To facilitate knowledge sharing and encourage networking, we produce our newsletter, the Gas Exchange, three times per year and relay information on job opportunities, online resources, courses and other educational events.
Material included in this course
Understanding Long COVID & Episodic Disability to Inform Rehab Approaches
Background on Long Covid
Symptom Burden and Trajectory
Lessons Learned from HIV Rehabilitation to Long COVID
Physical Symptoms and Impairments
Cognitive Symptoms and Impairments
Dimensions of Disability - Mental and Emotional
Dimensions of Disability - Day-to-Day Activities
Dimensions of Disability - Challenges to Social Inclusion
Dimensions of Disability - Uncertainty
Contextual Factors - Pacing