Ethically-Driven Revenue Generation: How to Grow your Bottom Line

Ethically-Driven Revenue Generation: How to Grow your Bottom Line
This course includes
In a time where inflation continues to increase and insurance plans stay stagnant, there is an increased need to generate revenue. Physiotherapy and business are at a crossroads and many physiotherapists ask how they can consistently generate revenue while maintaining their ethical code.
What if an expert consultant with insider knowledge about private practice physiotherapy and growing your business told you, business and physiotherapy go hand-in-hand and it’s our mindset that matters most?
If you want to learn how to ethically get more clients, keep more clients, increase revenue, and expand your business, this is the course for you!
This course provides you with a fresh perspective on the connectedness between healthcare and business, all the while providing tools, insider knowledge, and business strategies that you can immediately implement into your business.
What You Will Learn
You will gain insider knowledge about:
- A value-based mindset that can ethically drive revenue
- The customer life cycle
- The significance of phone calls and the point of entry
- Effective patient experience metrics
- Patients drop off statistics and how to manage drop offs
- How to effectively promote your business at a minimal cost
- Strategies to attract customers and RETAIN the ones you have
- Optimizing the patient experience
- Increasing performance of your staff
Course Time
This course will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and you will receive a certification of completion after you have completed the course.
Target Audience
This online course is for Physiotherapists (Physical Therapists) and other stakeholders in private practice clinics.
Overview Of Course Content
- Customer Lifecycle
- Point of Entry
- Patient Drop Off
- Promoters
- Connection
- Finding and Keeping Patients
- Closing Thoughts
Final Thoughts
It is up to you to showcase your expertise and demonstrate value to current and future patients. Register for this course to find out more on how to ethically drive revenue while simultaneously providing exceptional value to your patients.
The instructors

Or mission is to provide an interface to engage, educate and elevate the physiotherapy enterprise and to Inspire the entrepreneurial physiotherapist to engage in business best practice, strategic execution and innovation.
- Develop and share tools, resources and expertise to support the physiotherapist in achieving business excellence
- Facilitate the highest standards of professional practice management
- Promote the interchange of professional skills and ideas
- Accountability and fiscal responsibility

PT, B.Kin (Hons), M.Sc.(PT), M.Cl.Sc.(Manip), FCAMPT
Darryl has been a physical therapist for more than a decade. He is a clinic owner and the Chief Operating Officer for Clinic Accelerator where he supports 500+ clinic owners with their operations, recruitment and clinician performance. He has mentored and helped thousands of Physical Therapists become all-star clinicians, clinic directors, and equity partners. He is past chair of the Private Practice Section of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, co-author of "Diagnosis and Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement", and is a professor of Business and Leadership in Physical Therapy at Western University.
Material included in this course
Ethically Driven Revenue
Point of Entry
Patient Drop Off
Finding and Keeping Patients
Closing Thoughts
Multiple Choice Quiz
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