Interprofessional Perspectives for Pelvic Health Conditions

Interprofessional Perspectives for Pelvic Health Conditions
This course includes
The instructors
Interprofessional Perspectives for Pelvic Health Conditions
Course Description:
This presentation aims to highlight current pre-licensure healthcare student perspectives on conservative care management for pelvic floor disorders, identify current university pre-licensure healthcare educational approaches to pelvic floor disorders as they relate to current evidence, and discuss interprofessional educational opportunities to further physiotherapy engagement in interprofessional dynamics as it relates to pelvic floor disorders.
Speaker Bio:
Speakers: Grecia Alaniz
Grecia is a Registered Physiotherapist currently practicing in Chatham, Ontario. She completed her Bachelors of Science (Kinesiology) in 2015 and her Masters of Science in Physiotherapy in 2017 from McMaster University. Grecia's clinical interests focus on pelvic health, prenatal and postpartum care, and persistent pain conditions. She recently became an entrepreneur as the founder and owner of Radius Health Clinic. Grecia previously served as a Co-Research Supervisor for McMaster University's Physiotherapy Program. Her current research interests include interprofessional education and collaboration dynamics in relation to conservative care for pelvic floor dysfunction to enhance care provision.
You can find the full Virtual Summit Webinar Series Schedule here
You can find out more information on the CPA Virtual Summit here
Perspectives professionnelles pour les affections pelviennes
Conférenciers: Grecia Alaniz
Description de la séance:
Cette présentation vise à présenter les perspectives actuelles des étudiants en soins de santé avant l’obtention de leur permis d’exercer sur la gestion conservatrice des soins pour les troubles du plancher pelvien en ce qui concerne les données probantes actuelles et à discuter des possibilités d’enseignement interprofessionnel pour que les physiothérapeutes s’engagent davantage dans la dynamique interprofessionnelle en ce qui concerne les troubles du plancher pelvien.
The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) is hosting its first-ever Virtual Summit on Nov 20-21, 2020. This summit will bring together the physiotherapy community to build connections and to look toward the future of the profession.
Leading up to the CPA Virtual Summit, we will be running the Virtual Summit Series - a series of live online webinars that will cover a variety of topics and areas of interest. This entire series is free for CPA Members!
Registration for the CPA Virtual Summit Series is FREE for CPA Members, $20 for non-CPA members. Register directly on this webinar page!
Please note: In order to register for free as a CPA Member, you must have authenticated yourself as a CPA Member on Embodia (this is how Embodia knows you are a CPA Member!) Once you have followed the steps below, you will see FREE registration for the entire CPA Virtual Summit Series on Embodia.
- Click here to login to the CPA website
- Once you’ve logged in, go to the tab at the top called 'Events & Education', then click on PD Marketplace
- Click on the link above the video that says 'Access the PD Markeplace Now!'
The instructors

Material included in this course
Interprofessional Perspectives for Pelvic Health Conditions
The Study
Clinical Implications
Limitations and Conclusions